remember, this is an ADVENTURE that will only last the next 12 months or so...then we will be once again relocating to a new state. we just can't complain at this point, $525.oo a month rent??!! yeah, 70's stylin and all!

this is the entryway...our front door is separate from the rest of the building. we have our own private hallway.

once you walk in the doorway about 8 feet, you see these stairs on the left that lead up into the art studio, laundry room, dark room and balcony. this room is about as large as my living/family rooms in the old house. like the carpet?? funky huh?! ignore that dead plant that was left for us to dump. the space will make a great room to set up tables and all my scrapbook stuff...then i can leave it out and not worry about putting it away. and there are some really nice sky lights!

we love all the canvas on the will be a perfect place to display art work.

this is part of the dark room...not sure we will set it up as a working 'dark room', but it's a great place for the kids to paint and make bigger messes! there is lots and lots of cupboards and lighting.

downstairs is the kitchen. it's not big, and not fancy, but it works! i do miss my new granite counters and island....but now we have this little shortie breakfast bar (minus all the new goodies we bought at k-mart). yeah, k-mart. i had to throw out ALL of my cleaners which meant shopping for new cleaners. k-mart will do. there isn't much storage so jessica and i got creative with shelves that used to be in the girls rooms-turned them into somewhat of a pantry to host all my pots, pans, cook books and baking items. kinda reminds me of my MIL's kitchen with all her built in shelves.

this is the dining room. lovin the fixtures?? so retro/70's. the carpet is a weird lime green color (in the evening it looks brown). we actually like the wallpaper! now, if you are not a collector of goods what would you do with that glass shelving display??

kyle had a great idea! he is now using it to display all of his bionicles...too funny!

this is part of the family room. its HUGE. lots of windows facing the main brick road that runs through town (original from the 1800's). remember, we are living in a 2700sq. ft. space above a commercial building.

this is the rest of the living/family room. i love this great room! its so big that we don't have enough furniture even with our gigantic sofa. but i love things open and not crowded with stuff we don't need or use.

this is the girls room. if you notice, there is no window, but they do have a sky light. there are benefits to not having a window..more heat stays in during the cold winters. they love all the built in cabinets and have already made it homey with pictures, memorabilia and posters.

this is the famous 'cup tub'. or also known as the cuppie. it's the funniest thing ever!! not sure what generation this came from but it is sure makes for great conversation with guests. everyone leaves shaking their it's a tub/shower in one but everyone is scared of it so we are all sharing the other bathroom.

kyles room. the border is blue with white flowers (needs to be changed) and the carpet is that very famous 3 inch shag from the 70's-you know, if you had it you were RICH!

the mom & dad room. it's small compared to my overly large master in the old house! i do LOVE the storage on the wall...makes a great place to store all of our books, cds and other stuff.
I have yet to take a picture of the building...will do that soon.
we have been here now for a solid week (in the apartment) now. glad to be getting normalcy back into our lives. unpacking is slow and tedious as the packing company did such a horrible job, packing kitchen stuff with tools from the garage, go figure. everything else we own is downstairs in a large commercial garage until dan and i can go through it and put it in storage.
amazing how much you collect after being in a home for almost 10 years!
the building is great. we are getting to know some of the tenants. the smoking situation is getting better as the owner put his foot down and asked that all smoking be done outside. i'm really grateful for that! it's so hard getting used to not having a garage and a yard. tucker is so confused and is having a hard time with it. but its all part of the experience...
our branch is very tiny. i mean super duper tiny. there are only 3 young women. two of which are mine. relief society consists of about 6 ladies. period. it was kind of funny walking into the chapel yesterday seeing guys dressed in cowboy attire (one sitting next to the branch pres.)..the others had on nice suits with their working boots! everyone was so nice and welcomed us with open arms...i love that. it will take some getting used to, for sure! they started a seminary program at the chapel each morning which i'm also grateful know me and the whole perfect attendance thing. this weekend is a stake dance, IN SOUTH DAKOTA. not sure how that works out but that is my girls only opportunity to mix with boys since there are none here (members at least).
as for eating out, we prefer eating in thank you. lol. we've had two bad experiences with trying home style, small town joints. mcdonalds for burgers, dairy queen for ice cream and if we head into the larger city, we grab SONIC. other than that, eating out will not be happening unless we are in denver! the best shopping is in scottsbluff & chadron, both have super walmarts where we've found it to be the least expensive place to grocery shop. it's a drive (hour) but it's so worth it! i'm feeling starbucks (not coffee) deprived, seriously!! the best part of small town living, if you are looking for a certain toy during the holidays, we have them all here! well, in the bigger cities. they are chock full of stuff that clears the shelves back home, mostly due to collectors and ebayers. the kids kind of wander all over town-NOT MINE, but the other towns kids. they all ride their bikes without helmets...but then again, everyone who drives is going about 25-35 mph. it is slow here...and people watch out for kids, bikes and the elderly. it's nice. i love getting up in the morning and not feeling the rush of getting the kids to school and fighting the traffic, don't miss that at all! it is so relaxing and calm. although, i did get pulled over on saturday...jess and i had made a trip to scottsbluff to grocery shop (and eat sonic, don't tell the other kids) and on the way home i was doing 70 in a 65 zone...sheesh. it was a state trooper and he passed me going the other way, went down about 2 miles then turned around and crept up on me after about 3 minutes. his first question after getting all my paper work was 'what are you doing here'...uhm, i'm smuggling drugs and have a murderer in the back on my burban. yeah. i'm convinced he ONLY pulled me over because of the cali plates. he didn't even tell me how fast i was going-but i knew because i was cruising on cruise control. duhh. oh well, it was my lucky day since he had already written all his citations for the day...YIPPEE?!
will be driving the speed limit. enjoying the serenity and the cooler weather.
miss you all!
Oh my gosh!!!!! Erin! Talk about an adventure! I'm glad you're finally in you place and sounds like your family has a great attitude. Take care,
I love it! It looks so fantastic! REALLY! That is bigger than my house. Where was that beautiful ble sky in the last post located? So pretty!
Can't wait to see more!
It has so many fun retro opportunities. I can see that Kyle is already taking advantage of those fun cabinets! Enjoy the adventure. We will miss you all!
I can't believe that place is so huge. It's good that you are settling well. I was ROLLING reading about your branch and that the dance is in South Dakota. LOL When I visited my Grandparents in Arkansas, they were announcing stake conference and making arrangements for those who were going to stay overnight since it was in Missouri. LOL (3 hours away from them). Interesting to live in such a slower paced society now. That will be a change. If I see a Nebraska license plate, I will cut them some slack knowing they are used to going slower. LOL
love ya, Christine
Your place looks so cool! Scrap weekend at Erins! Your branch sounds like the branch I served in at Blois France. It was tiny but GREAT!
I am loving the updates.
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