Thursday, September 18, 2008

Homecoming Events

There are some benefits to living in a small town! This week has been full of ongoing activities for the High School Students, including early dismissal all week. The week began with dressing oldies, followed by dressing for the future, boy dress like girls and girls dress like boys, dressing up and today, if you were lucky enough to be asked, the girls wore the footballs players jersey's to school. Other events have included mini Olympics, girls and boys switch sports (girls played football and the boys played volleyball), a nice BBQ lunch served to the students by the staff, Coronation for Homecoming, and the burning of the "A"...which was a really fun event. After the JV game last night and the coronation was over, everyone walked over to the football field where they held the traditional burning of the letter "A". The A stands for the school. I think this was the one event I had been waiting for all week! Kind of exciting, we don't do these things in the big city schools!

So, this is the thing...this has been an ongoing tradition for years! The students have gotten slightly rowdy the last few years so the staff fore warned then that if anyone jumped the fence they would immediately put the fire out and this fun tradition would be ended, FOR GOOD. As you can see, one of the *outgoing* senior football players decided he would ruin it for the next generations of students...he hopped the wall and ran towards the fire. Notice, the firemen putting it out. It was fun while it lasted. The students were chanting and yelling and having a really good time. So glad that we walked up to the field to see this.

This is the best part of the post!

This is Krystina & Brandon...They are going to Homecoming tonight (with Lyndsie and a boy Brandon & Krystina set her up with). Brandon is a doll! He and Krystina have a little thing going on. He comes over each night after football practice to see Krystina, wait, he comes over because he knows I'll have dinner for him None the less, he is so stinkin cute and has the most adorable personality. They have a few classes together, but I guess they met in Art class. You see, I got the scoop from my friend, who happens to be the Art Teacher! Oh how I love the small town ;) More details will follow soon....but I give this young man a lot of credit, he braved it up to ask Dan if he could date Krystina. He isn't a member, but he is Christian and the dating rules have been set firmly so we will see how things go. A funny about Brandon, on Wednesday when the boys dressed like girls, he dressed like a girl!! It was a riot...although not the most attractive girl, i still can't believe he did it. He also made the front page of the newspaper...and if I can get a copy of a picture, I'll post so funny!! I asked him never to dress like a girl again (kind of scary) and that he looks so much better as a boy!

Today is early dismissal as there will be a parade here in town for the big game tonight! Brandon is trying to get Krystina to ride on the senior float...we shall see! He is very much into the spirit of this week, I LOVE IT!!

CLASS OF 2009!!

**EDITED** Here are some photos of the cute little Parade today....

Nathan (Lyndsie's friend & homecoming date) Lyndsie and Krystina

This is a part of downtown. I LOVE it. You must drive 20mph through town...I LOVE that too!

Middle School Band

The FFA 'Future Farmers of America'...this is a club at the High School

High School Band...They are VERY VERY good.

Senior Football Team (Brandon sat on the wrong side)

This is the 'Class of 1958'...I yelled out "YEAH CLASS OF 58", and some lady yelled back "wait a few more years and then you'll be us" I had so much fun yelling out! They are so cute :)

A sign read 'Future Bulldogs"...for the High School

The K-Cow (country) Radio station..the driver threw me a huge handful of candy!

The end. I love the little girl running across the cross walk and seeing all the people gather to leave. It truly was a fun little town parade! I personally enjoyed it. Earlier I had asked someone to define the word 'float'...they described exactly what you saw. I really could get to liking this whole slower paced life style :)

On to the Football game, and then the dance! The dance isn't formal, because its right after the game which works for us since we would have had no time to find a dress here...but I've been told that Prom is a HUGE deal!


Stewarts said...

How fun! There are definite benefits to small towns. Krystina, what a cutie! I can't wait to hear about the rest of Homecoming;}

Enjoy Birth said...

I was thinking that the boys in that town must be so happy to have some new beautiful girls at school! I hope that they have fun at homecoming!

CrazyGirlsThree said...

Wow! How fun...the whole time I was looking at your pictures and descriptions I kept thinking of that show...Friday Night Lights..It's totally the same! It looks like the girls are totally adjusting...cute boys too! They even have blue eyes, what more could you ask for!

Brenna said...

These are really fun pics Erin. What abummer that that kid ruined the burning of the A for everyone. Bugs me when people do that. So cute about Krystina and Brandon. I loved putting the face with the story. Cute boy! Fun to read about it and hear it from you. Love that he asked Dan if he could date her. And Lyndsie... how fun to go with Krystina. So how was the dance?
Can't wait to talk to you some more. love ya, Christine