Yeah I know. This is the worst time of the year to start eating healthier. Quite frankly, I'm not sure there is really a better time. Tonight I took the first step to regaining control in my life. I've gotten very comfortable with no plan, and I see where that is getting me. Last year I did Jenny Craig-best program ever! I loved my consultant, and the food. I dropped about 30 lbs. Then I took that trip to Denver and got introduced to Sonic (ohhhh sooo good). While I followed my plan to a tee, I actually dropped 6 lbs. on that trip! It was 3 months later when I went back to Denver...I didn't follow the plan and never quite got back on track. Funny how even a 10% weight loss can make you feel, oh, so comfortable! So much that you think you look great until reality hits in a photograph and you ask yourself "do I really look like that". Us girls are pretty hard on ourselves and as much as I really really want to love me like this, I just can't. This is not me. Not like this. So, I've committed myself to shooting for the first 10% goal while Dan is gone and then I will move towards the next goal. And hey, if I start now I will look forward to summer all that more! The way I see it, since we don't eat out but maybe 1x a month (no places to go) this is the best time to get losing since there are no real distractions, other than myself :)
I know. You can come out to my place, we can WALK down to the woods, spend the day picking wild grapes, WALK back home, make jelly, then collapse and stuff ourselves with fresh bread and jelly. (Okay, so the last part doesn't exactly fit in with the plan, does it???)
Where did you get that picture? That's awesome!
side note:
Is it weird that I like to play with your book widget? You can really get those books flyin'!
Good for you! I wish I could get commited right now. I think you will do great on their program. I can't wait to hear of your progress.:)
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