Moving day was surreal. I must admit, once the moving truck left we were out of the house as quickly as possible. A few neighbors came by to say "good-bye"...this was so difficult for me because I don't do goodbye's well. But their well wishes was so nice. Sad. The kids and I headed over to the hotel. Thankfully Leo (Jess's guy) was there to lend a hand and go grab us some dinner. He is such a helper, I miss him! We ate, watched t.v. and then the kids all hit the pool & jacquzzi. I took Tucker out for a walk to clear my mind, when a dear friend called and said she was there for one final hug & goodbye. I cherish this friend. She is so so special to me. The worst part of the evening was watching Jess and Leo say their farewells. It was so hard, I totally wanted to kidnap him and take him with us, but he has a great job that he is working hard to advance in so that he can transfer up to BYU Idaho.
Saturday morning came all too soon and it was time to get on the road. The kids managed to get up and be in the car by 5:55am! We were on the I-15 headed to Vegas at 6:01am. We had a really great first day in the car, as everyone was tired, sleeping, singing and just talking about the house and all the blessings that came from the experiences we had had. The kids were so positive and shared memories they each had from the past 1o years. I still have not cried about it...I know it's coming but for now I'm trying not to think about it or look at pictures until I think I'm ready to handle the flood that will be unleashed.
The drive to Utah went so fast! Although I was tired of driving/sitting. Once we got settled into our family suite at the Hotel, I just crashed! I couldn't even muster enough energy to get up and go eat. The kids relaxed watching tv. We had wanted to go downtown to Temple Square to eat and do a few tours with the kids, but honestly, I was so tired. I felt really really bad and to this day regret not just forcing myself to go. I felt a panic attack coming so rest was what I needed the most. We finally went downstairs to the restaurant and ate dinner...it was a very quiet dinner.
Sunday morning after breakfast and checking out, I took the kids downtown. We got up late, therefore missed our opportunity to do a few tours. We needed to get back on the road. I drove around Temple Square a few times, and pointed out all the highlights...then the kids begged for me to drive up through all the old homes and to show them where Dan and I stayed while we were there. It was fun, it was cute to see the kids expressions when they saw the Temple, and conference center. We will go back at the end of the year as a family, ALL OF US.
Utah: check.
Fun recap. Loving all the details. You are going to love this later as well. And your pictures are so great! Sometimes I don't cry at things like this, I just feel nausiated. UGH! The good byes would have been really hard. SOrry loves, Christine
i love you erin! i just cried a little for you. you are on my mind every day. :) i'll call you on monday.
Wow, I am so glad you have posted pics through each state, it's great for those of us who haven't seen blue skies like that in forever. It's nice to know they still exist. :)
I feel like I am right there with you! Love you!
erin ive been reading but not commenting. i know, bad me. your apartment is so groovilicious i want to move in! im loving all of this information. im just soaking it up. you are all handling it so well. there is a part of me that wants to jsut pick up and leave and do the same thing.
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