And this..oh my heck! A few summers ago some super cute girls in our Stake did a 'Summer Ideas' class, and low and behold came the famous Duitsman 'Oreo' cake. Got it from the class and tweaked it a bit. Although I've masted the cake, it always comes out uneven and that involves cutting and making a big crumb mess. Yuck. I'm all about smooth and easy, non-messy baking (and cooking). Today, while drooling over Williams Sonoma and all the new goodies, I found this little beauty! I'm in LOVE. Seriously. Call me crazy, but how much fun will this be? It's possible to make that famous 'oreo' cake in perfect form. Gotta add this to my Christmas wish list.

Last but not least..Much time has passed since I've even thought about Project 365. How sad huh. I kind of lost intrest once the kits were advertised for sale, and thousands of us crazy scrapbook people got excited about it, then on sale day all kinds of problems in the sales department. We were traveling to Utah that day and I spent endless hours on hold (from my cell phone)...out of desperation, I called my Mom from one of the girls cell phones to see if she'd log on-line and order for me. But to no avail, she also encountered problems with the site. Talk about BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. That fire, that passion for this project would move on. I was determined to start without all the pretty papers, cards and album (kit). As the weeks went by, I found that excitement diminishing away. I mean, where were all the goods that I drooled over, waited for and talked to everyone about? Then the kits started shipping and the internet was filled with "I GOT MY KITS TODAY", I'll admit, I was a bit green with envy! Oh it gets so much better...Some people (you know who you are) were then selling these kits on EBay for ridiculous prices, I mean crazy! I wanted one badly, but not enough to pay $300 for one that retailed for I believe $40. Needless to say, my project died a slow death. I think I made it through 12 weeks of photos that I kept on a separate private blog...it was easiest to post a picture a day, then journal. They are neatly awaiting a pretty little kit, and for me to scrapbook them!
Today, as I did my regular blog roll...I found a post on Becky Higgins-if you don't follow her blog, you might want to take a peek. She has left CK=Creating Keepsakes to venture out on her own. I am so excited!! She is one talented gal. Anyways, as I scrolled down today, she announced a new kit that is in production at this very moment! More details to follow, but this is so close and dear to her heart and I just know that she really wants to reach out to those who basically missed out, and keep this project ongoing. It's SIMPLE, it's fresh, it's so very EXCITING! This is a sneak peak of what's coming...Oh my, I can barely contain myself! Looking forward to starting 2010 with PROJECT LIFE.

Go see it for yourselves. Pass on the good word. Do you feel inspired? Where will your photos be in 2010..?
BECKY HIGGINS Make sure to click on her 'blog'

i'm not very crafty anymore but...HOW MANY CALLINGS DO YOU HAVE LADY???
3 to be exact! Crazy huh.
1. Primary President
2. Activity Days leader
3. Seminary teacher
I'm tired.
Don't say your not crafty-it's just put away for a short time :)
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