A few years back, while visiting my Dad, he let me try some of his *famous* pickled asparagus. He sent me home with his recipe, which is TOP SECRET. Every year since, I've waited for a super great sale on asparagus, which never happened. Then we move to crazy Nebraska (ok, not crazy, but I'm still no so crazy about it). And guess what went on super sale this week at Safeway (Vons for my Cali friends)....ASPARAGUS @.98lb. I nabbed up a case, and put a few on raincheck because I simply don't have the space to store it! This morning I finished gathering up all the needed supplies, including jars that I had to ORDER just for this occasion because believe it or not, it's not canning season and no one has them. My local small grocery store put in an order for me (benefits of small town living I suppose)....

Now, yes, they are much longer than needs be. After the first few jars, I cut the rest a bit shorter. Asparagus has got to be one of the most beautiful vegetables ever! I could have just sat there staring at the jars...Mmmm.

Once they were filled with all its goodness I turned them upside down until I could process them in a water bath. I was kind of dreading that part, due to the fact that I only own one large pot now, and I didn't ask my Landlord buddy if I could borrow his pressure cooker. Then low and behold, guess who shows up at my door! His sweet wife brought it in to town on her way to work...I love our Landlord, he truly is the best. And he was eye balling my asparagus, more like green, with envy! I'm guessing he'll need his pressure cooker back tomorrow for some of his own canning.

Looks wonderful.....asparagus is great anyway! Looks so good. Have fun. If I were there you would have to put it under lock and key!
You go girl! So domestic! I love asaragus. I wish we still lived close so that I could sample. Enjoy the fruits (or veggies) of your labor! :)
Asparagus. Sorry.
Ohhhhhhh, if you truly love me.......
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