This is the most uplifting message. I must have watched it 10 times before posting. The message is so clear and defined. It made me cry. How blessed we are to be so loved by a loving Heavenly Father, who has given us abilities and talents too often beyond our knowledge. How easily we say "I'm not good enough" or "I can't do that"...this is so not the case. We are all creative in our own way, we each see the world differently. Creation is our opportunity in this life...Start small, creativity does not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano.
Create. Don't let the voice of critics paralyze you.

Oh Baby...That was beautiful . I may have to steal it to put on the side bar of my blog. Some of my friends need it. Thank you, You find the best, up lifting things. Thank yo for sharing them with us.
I love you <3
You are an Angel ^i^
Oh how I loved this talk. I have it on my iPod right now. Erin, you are so awesome. I love how he says "remember you are spirit daughters of the most creative being in the universe" So awesome. Love Elder Uchtdorf. love, me
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