We found this great new place to hang out this summer, granted the weather gets a bit warmer! This is a dam about 30 minutes from town. We've been taking the kids on adventures for the past 3 weeks on Dan's days off...they are getting a bit tired of the road trips so we chose to stay close to home.
You can camp, fish, boat & swim here. The kids are really excited about this new find, and so close to home. We've been told, this is 'the' place where all the kids hang out during the summer. Can't wait to get on a float and go lounging in the water!! Super fun.
The brave ones. Dan chased a snake, Krystina followed. They never did find it. It was an amazing beautiful first day of summer here. The sky is so blue, the clouds so white...and the scenery just gets better as the summer days go by.
As we walked along the shore line watching Kyle swim we found this little guy. Just this little froggy with the fullest stomach I've ever seen! A small reminder of what we left behind...and at that moment, the memory gates opened and flooded our minds. I'm always so grateful for gentle reminders, for all isn't lost.
As we approach our 1 year mark, the memories get better and those feelings of loss have slowly been forgotten. Life is good. Life is simple. We are enjoying Nebraska and everything it has to offer at this time. Lots and lots of catching up to do!

erin what a sweet post. i'm glad you are enjoying your life there. i knew the day would come. it's just hard to see it when it all so new.
i'm glad that you are finding fun places to go as a family...that is so much fun.
love you
I loved reading your update. I am glad you are settling in and really enjoying Nebraska now. What an adventure!
Wow...I'm so glad I still have faithful readers...lol!!
Love & miss you girls :)
yay! new post! i check your blog like everyday to see if you post anything new! i'm so excited! yesssss. only a few more weeks and then i can go there with you! love you mama!
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