We set out to take at 50 mile drive....but, it ended up being double that plus! Another one of the day trips Dan planned for us. It was fun, but heck, it was a long drive. Poor Krystina, it was her first official day out of school and she ended up spending the day in the car! The first few hours she was happy, but after the day drug on and on she became an unhappy camper, that is, until I let her drive my car :)

Lake McConaughy, this unique lake, in the middle of nowhere, with beautiful white sandy beaches. This lake is huge! It's like no other lake I've been to...not too many trees, kind of desert like, with water that had waves you could boogie board on. And the sand...

Something else we're not accustomed to...driving on and parking on the beach! Pretty cool stuff. This will make for great camping this summer!

The sand...amazing white sand. Not like beach sand, it doesn't stick and cling to everything you own. It was sandy and grainy. It was like a desert oasis in Nebraska. It reminded me of something right out of the Sahara desert, the way it was wavy.

Sandy cliffs...If you were a sand sculpture, this would be the best place to be artistic!

Tucker got to come along (he comes everywhere now)...he LOVED the sand. I had never seen him in sand and it was quite comical. He just ran in circles, digging and throwing sand EVERYWHERE. Krystina and I had to get out of his way...it was like he was digging to China or someting...lol. Silly doggie. His whole face was covered in sand!

Tucker isn't a huge fan of water (I think it has to do with the pool at Grandma's house and the kids trying to take him swimming when he was a puppy)..but he sure enjoyed the beach.

Ok...quick funny story. Us girls were so ready to leave after hours of fun
...Krystina wanted to drive the car, and Dan wanted to go scope out some teenage boys who got their car stuck in the sand...so, he took Tucker and off he went. I drove around with Krystina for a short time, then all the sudden I see Tucker run off, and Dan was waaaaay behind him. I got worried for a minute because Tucker is not good off his leash, but we're working on it (it's a Terrier thing)...then I see Tucker disapear. All I could think at that split moment was 'oh well, there goes the dog'....Then a few minutes later Dan walks up with this very wet doggy. So here's what happened...Tucker saw a bird and decided to chase it...he ran over this sandy edge amongst the trees and landed straight in the water!!! Dan said by the time he got to the inlet, Tucker spotted him and swam back to shore. Dan couldn't stop laughing...it's so much like a Terrier to not even care about what's going on around them, all they care about is what they want. Just FYI, he didn't catch the bird, but he got all that sand off :)
that is SO FUNNY! what a silly dog! that lake and beach look beautiful erin, what a nice place to visit. sorry it took longer than you expected, that is always the worst for me, i get so impatient. :) i love that you are finding little family adventures.
Wow! What a beautiful place to visit! Funny story about the dog..I can picture it happening. Glad to see you are enjoying your summer..we miss you guys. Take care!
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